As told by God · QuarantineDiaries

Week 1 – Quarantine Diaries

God did not leave them. Even in times they feel hopeless Even when they feel there’s no way out And in the chaos — they found God. And in this restriction, in this quarantine. He is working. He is moving. He is healing every hearts. He is restoring broken relationships. He know what he is doing— God is in control. Even when I can’t see any progress, when all i can hear are complaints, I know He is in control. His Perfect Love cast out Fear. Let hate and anger turn to greater love. Let fear and anxiety turn to greater faith. Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Selah. Psalms‬ ‭62:8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ #QuarantineDiaries #GodIsInControl

Journey : Beautifully Broken

An open letter to a father (for everyone who are fatherless)



I never had the chance to talk to you, to tell you how glad I am to have you as my dad.
I never had the chance to ask you why you have to leave, why you left and what you felt when you did.
I never had the chance to tell you this things, and this is what I wanted to tell you.

I would love tell you my jokes, on how hard I try to make people laugh even when it’s not really in my nerves to tell a funny one. You can see atleast, how hard i try to make someone laugh. I can imagine you laughing just to support my corny jokes, just to make me feel appreciated.

I would love to let you know about the struggles I have. On how pressured i was, On how people expected more and more from me when…

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